
CareEMR – Pain Management – An effective Solution

Pain Managementinitially revolved around the approaches to reduce pain thorough medication. However; over the years, this process has evolved and now involves a variety of professionals including; Anesthesiologists, Physiotherapists, Psychiatrists, Occupational Therapists, Physicians and Nurses. The major features of the CareEMR – Pain Management solution are covered below and include an innovative Dashboard, CC/HPI, ROS, Examination, Medication, Treatment Plan and Procedure Notes.

CareEMR – Pain Management Features:

Physician Dashboard

The objective of this feature is to provide clinical staff direct access the list of patients for whom the appointments are fixed. The dashboard will give the user instant details of patients with an appointment. The user will be able to navigate for any date and obtain the patient appointment details. The dashboard will allow the user to perform a variety of administrative actions for a selected patient. The dashboard will also show the user the total number of open charts which the user can close on the fly and update the relevant clinical data with the short cuts provided.


The function enables the clinical staff to capture and elaborate the complaint the patient presents. This user can accurately capture the chief complaint as well as the history of present illness and provide the clinician a comprehensive understanding of the discomfort from patient's point of view. Additionally the user will be provided appropriate data (relevant to the problem presented by the patient). This data is presented graphicallyfor ease of use by the end user.This graphical display is driven by the master configuration to assist users define the data collected in a manner best represented in the graphical model.

Review of systems

CareEMR – Pain Managementfully supports the clinical staff for the capture and elaboration of the symptoms across different body systems as the patient presents such. The symptoms captured from the patient can be detailed in a successively more granular manner. With such detail the clinician will have a comprehensive understanding of the discomfort from patient's point of view. Data will be provided according to the classification of body systems and represented in a graphical form to assist the clinician. Additionally the user will be provided appropriate data (relevant to the problem presented by the patient). This documented data is presented graphically on the Body Image for ease of understanding.This graphical display is driven by the master configuration to assist users define the data collected in a manner best represented on the Body Image.

Physical Examination

This element of functionality supports the clinical staff’scapture and elaboration of the physical signs of different body systems from the patient. The intent is to capture the various objective signs of the patient and provide the clinician a comprehensive understanding of the physical condition of the patient. This function includes five sections for physical examination documentation; "Myotome examination", "Deep Tendon Reflexes", "Dermatome Examination", "Musculoskeletal Examination" and "Peripheral Nerve Examination". As in the preceding functions, CareEMR – Pain Management usesa graphical representation to display the data for the ease of use by the end user.


CareEMR – Pain Management fully supports e-prescriptions. This allows the physician to order the medication and transmit the prescription either electronically to the configured pharmacy or as a fax. This function includes features like dosage calculations for pediatrics, review of drugs by drug-drug interactions, drug-allergy interactions and drug-disease interactions. The physician can also have his favorite list of drugs making it easy to prescribe the medications.

Treatment plan

The treatment plan in CareEMR – Pain Management works on the concept of protocols. The physician creates the protocols under different plan parameters such as Labs, Radiology, Education, Safety, Diet etc. These protocols are loaded in the treatment plan while consulting with the patient. These protocols help standardize the treatments across the patients with same condition or need.

Procedure notes

CareEMR – Pain Management provides a separate sheet with the ordered procedures allowing the physician to enter specific procedure notes. The procedure notes utilize templates based on the procedure selected with most of the documented data pre-populated. The physician can add or delete the data in accordance with his specific requirements. The procedure notes can be printed, electronically transmitted (e.g. email), or faxed to any of the stake holders.